Raikes barn 3 350         Beckside Farm 350  Beck Side cows 350

Raikes Barn      Beck Side farm       Dairy cows 

A branch of the Robinson family has farmed at Beck Side Farm, Rimington, since the early 1900s. Currently (October 2021) Bennett and Elizabeth Robinson live in Raikes Barn (on the farm) and one son and his family live at Beck Side Farm. Previously Bennet and Elizabeth lived at Beck Side and Bennett’s parents Robert and Jane lived at Raikes.

Bennett and Elizabeth were recorded , talking about their lives, in the summer of 2021 when they were in their 80s.

Beck Side Farm was originally part of the estate of the Lane Fox family, of Bramham Park near Wetherby. In 1918 GR Lane Fox sold the whole estate to Walter Pollard. He subsequently became bankrupt and so the estate was sold off in lots in 1924. The other significant local landowner was Lord Ribblesdale of Gisburne Park.

Bennett Elizabeth 350  

Bennett and Elizabeth in their eighties

To hear Bennett talking about his early life click here

Speaking competition 350     Bennetts speech page 1 350

On the far right is Bennet (14) and other members of Gisburn Young Farmers receiving their winners' trophy for public speaking. Bennett spoke about 'Buying and selling an attested dairy cow'. The other picture is of the first page of his speech.

 To read Bennett's speech click here  

In 1983 Dorothy Falshaw (Elizabeth and Bennett's sister-in-law) was  Club Leader of Gisburn Young Farmers' Club (YFC)  and she and Christine Thistlethwaite worked together as a team to put on a concert for the YFC National Competition.They started at Settle and won that competition, which took them to Harrogate then onto  Hexham and then to the national finals in the Isle of Man.

They didn’t win the finals of the competition but it was a wonderful experience.John Falshaw  transported all the props in their cattle waggon, they hired coaches to take the cast to Harrogate and Hexham and finally went by ferry  to Douglas Isle of man (IOM) for the final .

To see a poster of the IOM concert click here                                                                 


To hear Bennett talking about life on the farm click here

         Prize winning horse 350  tractor picture 1 350              Tractor bill 350  

Snow picture 2 350    Snow picture4 350                           Bennett Elizabeth Yarmouth 1970 350

Bennett on one of the first tractors in Rimington, bought in 1953 for £589-17-6. Left to right ; Tommy Latham, Laurence Silverwood, John Metcalfe      Invoice for the tractor     Snow in 1963     Bennett and Elizabeth at Yarmouth in 1970


To hear Bennett and Elizabeth talking their holiday cottage experiences click here


Raikes Barn leaflet 350

Front page of holiday coattage brochure

To hear Bennett and Elizabeth talking about one particular visitor, a nurseclick here



Rimington & Middop Heritage Day

Ribble Valley Archaeology and Local Historian Brian Stott are holding another Heritage Day

At Rimington Memorial Institute
On Sunday 16 March 11am to 4pm

As well as information on the village's heritage generally there will be information on the exciting archaeological digs we have done in Rimington; these are on the Roman Road and in the search for a lost medieval chapel. We have found well preserved remains of the Roman road and in the search for the chapel we have found the foundations of a large medieval stone building, along with many pieces of medieval pottery and at least one confirmed piece of Roman pottery.

This is a fantastic opportunity to find out about your local heritage, find out how to have a go at archaeology and ask us questions about what we have found and our future plans.