The powers that be have been raising taxes, counting and recording events in citizens’ lives from birth to death for centuries. These transcriptions feature names of people of Rimington and Middop recorded when certain taxes, musters, bye laws and other laws were in force.

Rimington Poll Tax 1379 transcript (pdf)

Rimington - Clifford Muster Roll 1510-11 (pdf)

Rimington & Middop Muster Rolls 1539 (pdf)

Rimington & Middop Hearth Tax 1672 (pdf)

Byelaw men in Rimington 1704-1832 (pdf)

Rimington & Middop men named in the Craven Muster Roll 1803 (pdf)

Lay Subsidies Staincliffe Wapentake (pdf)

Rimington loan book (pdf)


Rimington Moor

Rimington Moor – Rules regarding the Stirk Gates agreed 5th January, 1836 (pdf)

Rimington Moor and its Ancient Mere Stones (pdf)

Rimington Moor Plan 1834 (pdf)

Rimington Moor Plan 1834 overlaid on to modern OS map (pdf)

Stirk & Sheep Gates on Rimington Common 1868

To read about and see pictures of Firber House, which is just on the edge of Rimington Moor visit